
‘Ambition’ – What Does It Mean?

“Ambition’ is a key term in the Paris Agreement. It can have multiple meanings in an NDC:

SCOPE : how many sectors are covered, including the land use sector (forestry and agriculture)? For rich countries: does it specific a ‘climate finance’ contribution as part of the NDC

MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION: NDCs should contain actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it should also contain actions to help farmers and vulnerable communities adapt to climate change.

GOOD PUBLIC PROCESS:‘ambition’ also signals the ways that the NDC will engage the public in responding to the climate challenge and allows for ongoing dialogue.

Okay, Now What?

The building blocks of the NDC can now be assembled. You decide which of the proposed six building blocks related to ‘land use’ and climate ambition you want to focus on. There are links to the six below. Develop specific requests for the NDC in these areas.

In some cases, you will be invited to give input at the beginning of the process that will lead to the ‘nationally determined contribution’. In other cases, the government or consultants will present a ‘draft’ NDC for consideration. In either case, it’s important that civil society, indigenous peoples, and community concerns are clearly articulated. The linked pages below can help you in discussions of key requests and recommendations.

Continue To ‘Ambition’ Sections

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